6.Kim Hong-chul, the living witness of the Korean Yodel

In the early '60s I walked on the street in a random opportunity to hear a strange vocalizations from the radio (I did not know which broadcast it was, but I just guess it 'the Travel to the world by music').

After listening, I tried to imitate the strange vocalizations (because it was fun). I stopped by the Korean National Library to check the materials and visited the newspaper investigation room, but there were only a few lines about Yodel. That context said, "yodel is a song by a Swiss & Alps shepherd". That's all! , I could not get nothing about what I want to know.

So I decided to ask yodel in Switzerland and sent a English-letter(My English teacher help me) to the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper in Zurich, Switzerland. I asked "Can you send me yodel music-sheet and introduce me specialist who can learn Yodel? "in letter.

Walter Bernays, the chief editor of the Tages-Anzeiger, sent me a music- sheet and a one-hour tape with yodeling samples. He also advised as specialist,"You have to sing it slowly at first, but then sing it more faster and faster." A year later, he responded,"Did your yodelings get well? I would like to hear your voice. If you send it, I will recover your wrong skills from the Swiss Yodel-expert."
Hence I recorded a few yodels and sent it to Switzerland. Later on, I was invited to Switzerland with the support of the Swiss people who became familiar with the broadcasts and articles about me.

Therefore I have been the first Korean to learn and perform the folk music of the Switzerland.

-  It is quoted from 김홍철Kim Hong-chul's "Edelweiss in Vancouver"

Performed at Kindli in Zurich's folk restaurant (1968)  <Photo courtesy>: Hong Yong-hwa

In Korea, there was a singer who sang yodel at least from the 1930s, but Kim Hong-chul was the first Korean gone to Switzerland to learn yodel.

Kim Hong-chul has released a total of 10 yodel-albums, which is not easy for the yodelers of the Switzerland.

According to his testimony, all his records were made by the greed of singers, that was not a big profit to him, but it became the bibles of many next followers and remains as the biggest asset of the Korea Yodel.

▶ Initial records (1970 ~ 1973)

아름다운 베르네 산골The Beautiful Bener Valley

Composed by Gottlieb Jakob  / Korean Lyric by Kim Hong-chul

아름다운 베르네
맑은 시냇물이 넘쳐 흐르네
The Beautiful Berne valley,
There, a clear stream have been flowing.

새빨간 알핀로제
이슬 먹고 피어 있는
A bright red Alpine-rosé,
the flowers are in full bloom.

다소 오버렌야 오버렌
베르네 산골 아름답구나
Das Overland! Ja Overland!
The Berne valley look too beautiful!

다소 오버렌야 오버렌
나의 사랑 베르네
Das Overland! Ja Overland!
the Berner valley, it's my lover.


Kim Hong-chul's debut album with the beautiful Berner valley

아름다운 스위스 아가씨The Beautiful Swiss Less

Composed by Tom Emerson  / Korean Lyric by Kim Hong-chul

알프스의 꽃과 같은 스위스 아가씨
귀여운 목소리로 요로레이띠~There, a beautiful Switzerland girl like a flower of the Alps
sing yodeling with a cute voice Yo ro re ee di

발걸음도 가볍게 산을 오르면
목소리 합쳐서 노래를 하네
While stepped lightly up to the mountain,
She began clear her throat, then start yodelings!!

아가씨 언제나
요로레이띠에이에이~ 요로레이 요로레이띠~She always yodeling as like Yo ro re ee di
Yo ro re ee Yo ro re ee di

귀여운 목소리로
요로레이띠에이에이~ 요로레이 요로레이띠~with cute voice
Yo ro re ee Yo ro re ee di

The two yodels that I have just introduced are Kim Hong-chul 's representative songs, which are still the most popular yodels in Korea.

'The beautiful Berner Valley' is the debut song of Kim Hong-chul. It was first released in the album called "the Mountain Song for Alpinist", produced on Dong-A Broadcast(1970). The lyrics were made on the spot in the airplane(1968) that returned to Korea after finishing yodel-studying in Switzerland.

'The Beautiful Swiss Less ' was first released in 1972 with the collection of 'the fascinating Yodel of Kim Hong Chul' , and then reissued in Kim Hong-chul's 1st Collection (1974) and Kim Hong Chul's Yodel Collection (1981). This song caused a great repercussion, ranked third in Korean popular song charts at the time of release. I think 'The beautiful Swiss Less' was probably the only yodel on the popular song charts in Korea.

'The Beautiful Swiss Less[She taught me to yodel]' is the most famous yodel not only Korea but also the whole world. Also, along with 'the beautiful Berner valley' mentioned above, 'The Beautiful Swiss Less' is the most familiar yodel to all Koreans.

And in 2007, "The Beautiful Swiss Less' covered the movie "싸이보그지만 괜찮아I'm Cyborg, but it's okay," by 정지훈Jung Ji-hoon, world-famous Korean singer. Moreover It is also the only yodel that can be sing in Korean- karaoke.

In addition to the two songs mentioned above, Kim Hong-chul's early recordings include the songs of Peter Hinnen, the world-renowned singer and yodel teacher, as follows; '칠천마리의 소Siebentausend Rinder' and '콜로라도의 장미Eine Rose blüht in Colorado'.

The songs of  '딩동 폴카Ding Dong Polka', '알프스의 메아리The echo of the Alps' were also influenced by 大野義夫Yoshio Ono, a Japanese yodeler. Yoshio Ono also participated in the banjo session directly in Kim Hong-chul's 2nd album(1972).

Yoshio Ono, a friend of Kim Hong-chul and Japanese Country style Yodeler  / Illustration: Han Eun-jung

▶ Mid-term record (1974 ~ 1976)

푸른 창공에 로프를 던져라Throw the rope in the blue sky [I'm Casting My Lasso Towards the Sky]

Originated by Slim Whitman
Composed by Lee White  / Korean Lyric by Kim Hong-chul

푸른 창공에 로프 던지면

행복은 찾아와 주고

If you throw the rope over the blue sky
the happiness will be come to you

그보다 더욱 높이 던질

행복은 가까우리

When we throw it more higher
the happiness will be come near to us

오색찬란한 무지개 따라

어제도 오늘도 로프를 매고

Along with the colorful rainbow
while we wear the rope everyday

하늘 끝까지 높이 던질

행복은 미소지리

When we throwing the rope high up to the sky
the happiness will be smile to us


계곡의 무지개Rainbow in the valley [Back in the Saddle again]

Originated by Gene Autry
Composed by Gene Autry  / Korean Lyric by Kim Hong-chul

계곡의 무지개가 살며시 오르면

무지개를 따라서 노래를 부르면 끝없는 숲을 헤치며

When the rainbow of the valley come up,
sing along the rainbow through endless forests

마음은 어느덧 멀리  봉우리를 오르고
넓은 하늘 불어오는 상쾌한 바람 나의 노래 따라서
My heart is far away climbing mountain peaks
with fresh air blowing in the sky, it follows to my songs.


멋지게 울려라 계곡을 따라 울려라

Ring up nicely, echo along the valley.


무지개 따라서 즐거운 꿈을 싣고

Follow the rainbow with a pleasant dream.

테네시 요들 폴카Tennessee Yodel Polka

Originated by Rosalie Allen & Elton Britt
Composed by Elton Britt /  Korean lyric by Kim Hong-chul

우거진 테네시에 작은 마을에

폴카 춤을 추며 노래하는 멋진 소년들

In that forested little town in Tennessee,
lovely boys did singing and polka dancing

수풀 속에 예쁜 아가씨들 따라 나와서

모두 요로레이 요로레이 ~

The pretty ladies in the bushes followed them
then all started to sing Yo ro rei Yo ro re i di

하나 요로레이띠


One, two, three, four. Yo ro re i di
Two, two, three, four. Yo ro re i di

하나 요로레이띠

우리 모두 즐거운 폴카!

One, two, three, four. Yo ro re i di
let's we all dancing with polka!

In the mid 70 's, Kim Hong-chul was given the spotlight to the public, he focused on the American western yodel, rather than little bit unfamiliar Alpine yodel(especially Jodellied) for popularizing foreign yodel in Korea. It was an inevitable choice for securing popularity to act as a professional singer in Korea.

In addition to the songs introduced in Kim Hong-chul's mid-term album, there were also songs like this ; '나를 기다리는 사람People who are waiting for me[Keep on the sunny side] ' (1974), Influenced by the Cater Family, '사랑의 요들The Yodel of Love' (1975), the first creative yodel made by Kim, '숲속나라의 요들Yodels of the forest'(1975), Kim made it for children.

In particular, in the second album (1975), it became the first Bluegrass Music album in Korea. the Arirang, Korea's most famous traditional folk song, was played with bluegrass emotion and it opened a new horizon for Korean bluegrass music.
Kim Hong-chul was the musician who first introduced Bluegrass music to Korea as well as yodel.

▶ Late recordings (1977 ~ 1979)

즐거운 산행길 Happy Mountain song

Composed & lyric by Lee Cheong-hoon

마음 울적해지면

산으로 올라가요

If the feelings get gloomy,
Let's climb to the mountain

아름다운 골짜기와 맑은 시냇물
There are the beautiful valley,
and the clear streams will be flow

산등성이를 건너서 계곡 깊숙히
Across the ridge
Let's go to the deep into the valley

봉우리에 올라서면 야호 메아리
If we go up to the peak
Let's shout -Yaho

야호~야호~ 야아아호~




아름다운 산장The Beautiful Mountain Cabin[Das Kufsteiner Lied]

Originated by Carl Ganzer
Composed by Carl Ganzer /  Korean lyric by Kim Hong-chul

아름다운 산장에

시냇물 소리 들으면서

There is the Mountain Cabin over the beautiful place
While listening to the murmur of the stream

정다운 친구 함께 오르면

맘은 시냇물을 따라서

When climbing the mountain along with the lovely friends
my heart follow the sound of the stream.

계곡 사이로 흘러간다
It flows through to the valleys


'Happy Mountain song' is the title song of Kim Hong Chul's 4th album(1977). This song made by Korean mountaineers and Kim added yodel refrain. So it have become the most famous yodel both Korean yodelers and mountaineers.

On the other hand, "The Beautiful Mountain Cabin" was the title song of Kim Hong-chul's 5th album (1979) , it was made by the Austrian world famous 'Das Kufsteiner Lied'.

The features of the Kim Hong-chul's late records was changed from a quick and light yodel to a deeper, more relaxed atmosphere. In addition, the music is accompanied by a series of Swiss choral songs such as "숲의 노래Tep Wei Mer No Chli Lustig Sy", "산위의 집 the Mountain is my home" and "나의 고향My Hometown". So the standards of the Korean Yodel have been gone near to the global diversity and universality.


▶ After the 80's ...

여행The Travel

Composed by W. Lesle /  Korean lyric by Kim Hong-chul

조그만 가방 둘러매고 집을 나서면

혼자서 신바람 나는 여행이라네

If I go travel with a little backpack,
It's my own happy travel

콧노래를 부르며 떠나는 길이니

외로움쯤은 웃으면서 날릴 있지

It's the way to leave with a hum,
I can laugh and shake off the loneliness


땀에 젖은 모자를 높이 힘껏 던지니

높은 넓은 들이 모두 나의 것이네

If I cast the sweaty-hat to the high,
All the high the mountains and the wide fields are mine

바람결 따라 불어오는 향기 속에

괴로움쯤은 웃으면서 날릴 있지

In the scent of flowers being blown in the wind,
I can laugh and shake off the sufferings


왠지 모르게 닮은 듯한 스쳐간 사람

자리에서 돌아 보며 생각해 보니

There is someone looked as if somewhere,
I thought of it and take a look at the moment.

즐거웠던 옛날의 꿈이 주마등처럼

거리마다 무지개처럼 피어 오르네

The happy and old memories crowded ever-changing
It blooms everywhere like a rainbow.


In the 70s, Kim Hong-chul has been active released yodel albums, but in the 80's he released only one album, 'Kim Hong-chul's Yodel Collection'(1981).

"The travel" is the most remarkable song in this album, and this song is the representative yodels of the 1980s of the Kim Hong-chul. There were the joyful lightness feelings, masterful yodeling technique, and more sophisticated lyrics compared to the past.

Kim Hong-chul appeared in the ice cream advertisement <Photo courtesy>: Hong Yong Hwa
Kim played Hackbrett in 'Alps Chalet', The first Switzerland style restaurant opened by Kim Hong-chul In Korea(1983) / Kim Hong-chul introduced the musical instruments of Switzerland such as Alphorn and Hackbrett, and the Western musical instruments of USA such as Banjo and Chromaharp. The instruments mentioned here were first known to Korea by him

Banjo and Kim Hong-chul  <Photo courtesy>: Hong Yong Hwa

Since the 1980s, Kim Hong-chul had been widening the scope of the Yodels such as frequent appearances on TV children's programs as well as running Switzerland restaurants. Hence the Swiss culture in Korea became more and more deepened through him.

Switzerland Travel with the members of the Korea Yodel Federation (1986) <Photo courtesy> Hong Yong Hwa
"Kim Hong-chul & his friends " participated in the Alps folk music festival held in Japan (1989)

In 1993, Kim Hong-chul left the Canadian immigration, and for a long time we were no longer able to hear the yodel in Korea's broadcast media. The Yodel are getting more and more distant from the general public in Korea. Currently, the name Kim Hong-chul is known only to people born before 1979 to the Korean general public except the yodel enthusiast.

In other words, those who have been their childhood in the 80s and early 90s know who Kim Hong-chul is, but those born later do not know about him. the long vacancy of the Kim Hong-chul's was equal to the blank of the Korean yodel.

As Kim Hong-chul disappeared, Yodel were forgotten to the public in Korea. Because the word 'Kim Hong-chul' was the pronoun of the yodel in Korea.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

7.Kim Hong-chul, the father of the Korean yodel